QUAntum SAfe Randomness
- Hamid Tabyanian: Practical Semi-self Testing Randomness Generation Based on Quantum State’s Indistinguishably, poster presentation at QCrypt 2021 (Online), August 23-24, 2021.
- Hamid Tabyanian: Practical Semi-self Testing Randomness Generation Based on Quantum State’s Indistinguishably, contributed talk at TQC 2021 — Riga, July 5-8, 2021
- Marco Avesani: Practical Semi-Device-Independent Quantum Random Number Generators, contributed talk contributed talk at CLEO 2021 (Online), June 20-24, 2021.
- Marco Avesani: Practical Semi-Device-Independent Quantum Random Number Generators, , contributed talk at APS 2021 (Online), March 15-19, 2021.
- Hamid Tabyanian: Semi-Device-Independent Quantum Random Number Generator Based on Energy Bound, contributed talk at QIP 2021 (Online), February 1-5, 2021.
- Marco Avesani: Semi-Device-Independent Quantum Random Number Generator based on heterodyne detection and bounded energy, contributed talk at FIO+LS 2020, September 14-17, 2020.
- Hamid Tabyanian: Semi-Device-Independent QRNG based on the overlap assumption and heterodyne detection, poster presentation at QCrypt 2020 (Online), August 10-14, 2020.
- Hamid Tabyanian: Semi-Device-Independent QRNG based on the overlap assumption and heterodyne detection, contributed talk at the conference Quantum Technology International Conference – QTech 2020 (Postponed to November 2020 due to COVID-19).
- Hamid Tabyanian: Semi-Device-Independent QRNG based on the overlap assumption and heterodyne detection, contributed talk at the International Workshop for Young Researchers on the Future of Quantum Science and Technology — Tokyo, Japan, February 3-6, 2020.